How a Dermatologist Can Help With Hair Loss

Losing your hair at an accelerated rate, especially when you are unsure of why it is happening, can be particularly distressing for both men and women. If you are dealing with this issue and the situation is getting out of control, get help with hair loss from a dermatologist. Dr. Terry Garbacz and his team at Dermatology of North Texas in Wichita Falls, TX specialize in hair loss treatments.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Several factors can contribute to hair loss in patients. Possible causes include:

  • A negative side effect of taking a certain type of medication that treats another condition.
  • Alopecia areata (a disease that causes the immune system to react in a way that eliminates hair follicles) and other autoimmune disorders.
  • Male pattern baldness, which is usually hereditary.
  • Intense periods of stress.
  • Hair products like relaxers and perms.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Hormonal changes due to menopause or the natural course of aging.

How a Dermatologist Can Help

Dermatologists deal with all matters concerning the skin, which includes hair and follicles. If you are experiencing a case of hair loss, your Wichita Falls, TX skin doctor can help in several ways, including:

  • Diagnosing the most likely cause of the hair loss.
  • Review any medications you may be taking that could be the source of the problem.
  • Medicated shampoo that helps stimulate hair growth.
  • Administering hair restoration treatments including Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and stem cell therapy.

Hair Restoration Considerations

It may take several appointments to achieve the hair restoration results you're looking for. A combination of treatments may be recommended. If an underlying condition is the cause, your dermatologist may refer you to your primary care physician. After the treatment is completed, you must follow a hair care routine at home to ensure that you maintain your new mane.

Let a Dermatologist Help You Get Your Hair Back

If you don't want to resort to a lifetime of wearing hats or scarves to hide hair loss, see Dr. Terry Garbacz at Dermatology of North Texas in Wichita Falls, TX. Call (940) 767-3376 today to set up a hair loss evaluation.