How Can a Dermatologist Help With My Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that everyone will deal with at some point in their life. Acne can be mild for some and severe for others. When you’re dealing with acne, you might feel like you’ve tried everything and it’s still bothering you. It’s important to seek out help from your dermatologist because there is no one treatment that works for everyone. Dr. Terry Garbacz at Dermatology of North Texas in Wichita Falls, TX, can explain how a dermatologist can help treat your acne and give you the clear skin you’ve been looking for. 

Treating Your Acne 

Acne is different for each person and our skin all reacts differently to treatment. It’s important to talk to our dermatologist in Wichita Falls, TX, to understand how you can treat your acne and get the clear skin you’ve been wanting. When you aren’t treating acne, you might feel like you need to cover it up, which can cause further breakouts from clogged pores. 

There are many ways to treat acne and a treatment plan will be made to fit your specific needs. Your dermatologist may recommend trying several different methods before finding the treatment that works best for you. This may also mean trying multiple forms of treatment at once. While you’re using treatments, you should also be improving your skincare by cleansing your skin every morning and night. 

Our dermatologist could recommend different forms of treatment depending on the type of acne that you’re dealing with. If acne is caused by bacteria, you might need antibiotics. You may also need different prescription topical medications and oral medications. Treatments like photodynamic therapy, chemical peels, and laser therapy can also help clear up your skin. 

Contact Your Dermatologist Today 

Find out how you can get the clear skin you’ve always wanted. Contact Dr. Terry Garbacz at Dermatology of North Texas in Wichita Falls, TX, to learn more about treating your acne. Call for more information today at (940) 767-3376.