What Is Blue Light Therapy/Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Therapy Treatment?

Years of sun exposure can have an effect on your skin. You might notice rough, scaly patches that begin to develop on areas of your skin that are commonly exposed to the sun. This could be the face, arms, or legs. This is known as actinic keratosis. When this is left untreated, you might be at risk of skin cancer. One common way of dealing with this issue is with the use of blue light therapy/Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) treatment. Dr. Terry Garbacz at Dermatology of North Texas in Wichita Falls, TX, can explain what this treatment is and how it can deal with actinic keratosis.

Blue Light Therapy/Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Treatment

When dealing with actinic keratosis, it’s important to discuss treatment with our dermatologist in Wichita Falls, TX. Blue light therapy/Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) treatment is a common way to deal with this issue and is non-invasive. It uses a medication that is activated by blue light to treat issues in your skin.

Our dermatologist will apply the solution to the area that will be treated. The skin is then exposed to the blue light which helps to stop actinic keratosis by starving the skin cells of oxygen. This means that the area is no longer considered pre-cancerous and will stop spreading.

Once the area is properly treated, your dermatologist will moisturize and protect the area with zinc oxide sunscreen. It’s important that you continue to keep your skin protected from further sun exposure and damage. This ensures that your skin stays healthy and there isn’t a need to fear actinic keratosis developing into skin cancer.

Contact Our Dermatologist Today

Find out how you can keep your skin healthy and safe from skin cancer. Contact Dr. Terry Garbacz at Dermatology of North Texas in Wichita Falls, TX, to learn more about treating actinic keratosis with blue light therapy/Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) treatment. Call for more information and to schedule a consultation today at (940) 767-3376.